
free audiobook | Process Over Permission

Process Over Permission = Book 1 of 4 in the Amplify series of short books you'll actually read


You can monetize your message

Whether you want to write a book, create a website & blog, host a podcast, teach online courses, coach, or generate recurring revenue through membership programs...

… we can help you say it in such a way that MORE people hear your message and you get paid for your expertise.


You need a process

In the not-so-distant past, you needed a publisher. They were the gatekeepers. No messages made it through without them.

Not so any longer.

The content-creation / publishing game has changed over the past few years. Now, things work more in YOUR favor than ever before.

You no longer need someone’s permission to share your message with the world, you just need a process.


What you'll learn 

In this book you’ll learn 11 distinct reasons why NOW is the time to share your message with the world.  And, you’ll not only discover WHY it’s time to put a megaphone on your message, but you’ll see exactly HOW to do it…

You’ll learn how to—

⚙️ Continue refining your message

⚙️  Make your message easier to access by more people

⚙️ Repurpose parts of it to bolster your authority

⚙️ Identify processes that can propel your message forward

⚙️ Create recurring revenue as you take people on a journey of discovery

⚙️ Work through different forms of media to insure more people hear what you’ve got to say

This is your 11-point plan to make the content-creation game work in your favor and multiply + monetize your message in the process.