Good | The Amplify Pro! coaching community

📣 The first of every month we release new content-- a coaching module-- to the community (generally, 25-30 mins in length), including the audio, slides, and worksheets.

📣 We host a live coaching call in the middle of the month, where you can get your questions answered in real time.

📣 Replays always provided

📣 Also includes access to the "vault" of past content

Learn more + signup

Special Program | Infinite ROI Mastermind

📳 Profiting from your passion— while serving others at a higher level— begins with clarifying who you, what you do, how you do it… and how people can take action to engage your services.

Learn more + join the waitlist

Better | 1:1 Consulting

If you prefer 1:1, focused interaction but aren't sure about working longer-term, this is the place to begin.

🖥️ 3 x 45-minute Zoom sessions focused on your specific needs

🖥️ Recorded so you can replay as often as you'd like

🖥️ Option to continue if. you choose

Signup Here

Best | 1:1 Coaching + Amplify

Need more than 3 sessions? We'll walk with you for 7 months, helping you take your project to the next level.

🔥 2 x 45-minute Zoom sessions every month

🔥 Recorded, so you can replay and reviewing the training most relevant to you

🔥 Complete Amplify course provided ($3K retail), so you can spend your time referencing the objective content on your own and maximize coaching calls with the subjective questions and application  

🔥 Mobile phone + Voxer access so you can get the help you need in real time

Register Here

You chose Option 2, Connection + Interaction 

Other options include

1. Content | Information

Perfect for the person who prefers the "show me what to do and I can do it" approach. Takes the form of books, audiobooks, and courses.

See Suggestions

3. Contract work | Individualized projects

“Done for you” capabilities on anything from ghost-writing to web-design to email funnels, sales pages, and more.

Learn More