Good | Content Creation Made Simple (eBook)

The 4th in the Amplify series of "short books," this work walks you straight through the core of creating meaningful, original content... in ways that engages with your audience.

âś… 7 core competencies you need to master-- and how to achieve it

âś… Templates and shortcuts you can implement into your workflow

✅ Tips to gain back HOURS each week so you can focus on the message and not just the mechanics of delivering it

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Better |   Content Creation Made Simple course) 

🛠️ Outlines the 7 essential skills for content creators

🛠️ Shortcuts included-- such as how to schedule 30 days of social media in 3 hours, how to do stories and reels with less stress, and how to create a content calendar so you can focus on the things which matter the most

🛠️ Tips on integrating a team into your workflow and other "must know" tips

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Best | Amplify (on-demand course) 

Our most robust online course walks you through the complete Amplify framework.

⚙️ The Mind-shifts you need to make in order to navigate the current digital space

⚙️ The Media you can use to multiply + monetize your message (everything from books to websites to email, texting, podcasting, blogs, coaching, courses, and more)

⚙️ The Methods to make it happen (step-by-step process, systems, and habits to implement into your workflow)

Learn more here

You chose Option 1, Content | Information

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2. Connection | Interaction

Options for the those who want relationship & space to ask questions in real time, getting responsive feedback so they can move forward.

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3. Contract work | Individualized projects

“Done for you” capabilities on anything from ghost-writing to web-design to email funnels, sales pages, and more.

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