Good | The Amplify Pro! coaching community

📣 The first of every month we release new content-- a coaching module-- to the community (generally, 25-30 mins in length), including the audio, slides, and worksheets.

📣 We host a live coaching call in the middle of the month, where you can get your questions answered in real time.

📣 Replays always provided

📣 Also includes access to the "vault" of past content

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Special Program | Infinite ROI Mastermind

Using our messaging framework, we help you articulate how you serve others at a higher level— which begins with clarifying who you, what you do, how you do it… and how people can take action to connect with you and what you have to offer.

Learn More + Signup

Better | 1:1 Consulting

If you prefer 1:1, focused interaction but aren't sure about working longer-term, this is the place to begin.

🖥️ 3 x 45-minute Zoom sessions focused on your specific needs

🖥️ Recorded so you can replay as often as you'd like

🖥️ Option to continue if you choose

Register Here

Best | 1:1 Coaching + Amplify

Need more than 3 sessions? We'll walk with you for 7 months, helping you take your project to the next level.

🔥 2 x 45-minute Zoom sessions every month

🔥 Recorded, so you can replay and reviewing the training most relevant to you

🔥 Complete Amplify course provided ($3K retail), so you can spend your time referencing the objective content on your own and maximize coaching calls with the subjective questions and application  

🔥 Mobile phone + Voxer access so you can get the help you need in real time</p

Start Today!

You chose Option 2, Connection + Interaction 

Other options include

1. Content | Information

Perfect for the person who prefers the "show me what to do and I can do it" approach. Takes the form of books, audiobooks, and courses.

See Suggestions

3. Contract work | Individualized projects

“Done for you” capabilities on anything from ghost-writing to web-design to email funnels, sales pages, and more.

Learn More