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Eight (more) things that need to be in a winning grant proposal

grant writing Nov 20, 2023

In the previous post we talked about eight OBJECTIVE items you need for every grant proposal.

Here, we outline eight SUBJECTIVE items, each related to your specific request.

You could also think of them like this:

đź’™ The 8 objective items are related to your organization and its health / solvency / legitimacy

đź’™ The 8 subjective items are related to your specific project


Here are the eight related to the project:

#1 = Title of this specific request project

#2 = How this fits with the foundation / grant- makers strategic priorities

#3 = Request amount

#4 = Project amount

#5 = Project budget

#6 = Project proposal, including…

Note, we take a tangent here to get more specific about the proposal…

It ALWAYS includes these five sub-categories, labeled A-E

A. Summary / overview

B. Goals / objectives, including metrics to gauge success

C. Budget narrative

D. How this fits with the bigger picture, long-range plan

E. Partnering organizations

Finally, the final two refer to how this project is funded AND how it will “keep going” after the award is spent.

#7 = Funding commitments & other requests

#8 = How will this project continue?


Here's (kind of) what it looks like-- 


The 5-part nonprofit framework highlights the core areas you need to address to move the mission forward:

⚙️ Path (or program) = what clients do, what they’re taught, how you impact the people you serve

⚙️ People (job descriptions, staff expectations) = clarity for both paid staff and an army of volunteers alike

⚙️ Proceses = policies, procedures, and more… so the mission can move forward without micromanagement

⚙️ Place = the environment or culture you set (because it’s not only WHAT we do that matters but also HOW we do it)

⚙️ Purse = your funding strategy (because it takes money to fund the mission and you can only run the mission as far as they money will fuel it)




Links for this talk

Free access to the grant template = 

How we can help nonprofit leaders— the framework = 

The “Grant-Making Machine” on-demand course, with worksheets, templates, etc. = 

Need help? Let’s talk = 

Download 10 Rules for Grant Writers at