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What your audience really wants to know about you before taking action

infinite roi Oct 09, 2023

Let’s start here: everyone doesn’t need to know your “greatest hits” highlight reel… yet (in fact, they might not ever). Yet that’s the stuff we all share— on social media, on our webpages, on our “about us” page…


Here’s what people REALLY want to know…

πŸ’™ That you know how they feel about the situation they’re facing

πŸ’™ That you know what that struggle is like…

πŸ’™ That you have a solution that can walk them step-by-step towards the “other side.”

This is— grasp this— true in just about every industry.


So, the core concept for the 2nd point on our Infinite ROI path is this:


Your story— the struggle you endured and the solution you found— can become the roadmap for others’ success.



Furthermore, the MORE they believe the struggle, the GREATER and more readily they’ll buy-in to your solution, as well…


This helps us, too.

It’s also easy to forget why we stepped into our career in the first place. After awhile, it’s easy to simply “do what we’ve always done” and forget the story of why we chose— or stumbled— into this.

You’ll learn more about yourself in this step on our path. And, you’ll find yourself better about to connect not only to who you are and the path God has you on but also with the prospects who come your way.


Here's the summary slide-- 


Infinite ROI is a communication framework that helps you state your marketing / messaging in less messy ways…

πŸ“Œ You clarify who you are, what you do, and how you do

πŸ“’ You communicate that clear message— internally (to align your team) and externally (so potential clients know what you do)

πŸ“ˆ You collect growing revenues, while also making a bigger— Infinite— impact and experiencing ROI in multiple directions


Links for this talk =

Claim your free Infinite ROI worksheet(s) / templates on PDF at 

See the ROI framework and on-demand course at 

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